Thursday, 11 December 2014

Hey guys did you know daniel123boy is a fame seeker? Yes my very own ex bf CAUGHT! as a fame MONSTER!
Wait wait hang on? Why would you delete your friends if they don't watch your movies? That's just wrong!
Lets have a look at his msgs
 Really when we where dating he would ask me to help him with fame... all the time... And then he said he would love me forever... er.. no your a terrible bf and x bf
 He also kept asking me 2 give him greets and stuff and I always did put him in my movies but really It's not easy for me to help people... LAG!
And then he wanted to hack me! Some bf he was -.-

Did you know he lies about his age?
he ones told me on imvu he was 11 and then he said he's 15? What can i believe?

You have only been dating her for a week yet u already ask for her pass? wow someone is despo to hack a highscore person... daniel u even asked me on my old acc lexigirl1238... u ask on everyone... tbh you just want fame and i aint gunna lie...

i thought I was the girl of ur dream? funny isnt it... and iv dated you for what 2 years... and cause she's a high level... did you know all daniel123boy wanted to be is famous!...

I can only get these pics as i have access to his acc... 

Y bother?

He even told me he loved me so much... If i knew you were not a cheat I'd still be with you... and overcly ur fame seeker! I have the images and the proofe... so really u dont fancy anyone... u fany all high levels pwhahaha sad enit?... ever heard of true love? Ur such a fake

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Had fun shooting my friend >.> omg shopping with her is so fun btw im the 1 with darker skin xD
btw the other girl is xxchloe cookiexx
I love her to bits, so if u mess with her u mess with me and we will shoot u, Black widow baby...

ok bye now from esmay

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Friday, 19 September 2014

Excuse me but what have I ever done to you? She has a go at me cause I dont reply and then blocks me, To be honest I have a life to you know! Just cause i don't really play msp no more and moved on to IMVU with some other good friends don't mean u have 2 act like this 2 me does it? Look it's your discussion to be nasty 2 me like this, Yes we were 1s bff's but if I knew you would act like this maybe I wouldn't be your best friend as this is out of order!?! I stopped being your best friend as we were not close as we were and I have a bigger history with other friends! TBH this is the 2nd most horrible thing i'v seen all day! 
Wow -.- I did nothing clearly! And you block me! But if you didn't we could of spoke and stuff you didn't even give me a chance 2 say hey insteade u just replyed 
2bh I never got a chance 2 say hi as soon as u said it you said "OMG I TRY TO TALK..."
Well ty -.-

Sunday, 14 September 2014

I love these girlys... I'm xXEsmayLeeXx
btw id like it if hollyrenee was on this but she wasnt their at the time and she is part of this.
Also u girls and holly r my family, i couldnt ask for more, you guys make me happy and smile ☺

Monday, 18 August 2014

Happy Birthday besstie
well I hope you are having a lovely birthday Ashley, I love you loads! And hope you get the best birthday wishes ever ♥♥♥♥♥

And I'm already in her guesty singing happy birthday lol

Anyways if any of you are having a birthday coming up soon, please just msg me and i'd be delighted to sing Happy Birthday 2 you guys!
So I got chatting to some of you on msp, and you guys are appsolutly lovely so I'm giving shout outs to a few that i spoke to today, because they deserve it!

 She's gunna be staring in 1 of my movies and she is absolutely lovely! If your wondering she is gunna be a zombie in ma series because my new series envoles zombies, shhh... don't tell anyone i gave u a lil secret about my new series!
Also she's very kind and gentle and nice to talk to ☺

 wow what can I say, well I met her today, and she's apsolutly lovely, tbh I met her in a chat room, and we had so much laughs together and I felt really close to her as a friend, It's rather hard to find people you can just talk to like that in a chatroom (the cafe), and really we got on really well!

well this girly is really sweet and funny, I was speaking to her loads in the same chat as star west and we all had a laugh together, we were talking bout rather random things and there was this person in the chat room and they called me a "barbie" and she stood up for me, and she really made my day, I was really proud of her.

And lastly ashlyne, she is apsolutly lovely, I'v been speaking to her alot lately and she is really supportive towards me and helps me quight alot!
She's like a sister to, she also has great fashion sence in my opinion as she wear stuff i'd wear.

Well ty girls for being so kind to me ☺

I wanna say tysm for this artbook queen Elsa pink 123

after the chat I got this in my msg's It was rather funny but i blocked the 2 girls

Sunday, 17 August 2014

sorry but this was to funny to resist xD like why send me this, I'm laughing my head of at this person

It's really random like wth... calling me a "poo face" and saying "Hi bff should I tell you how to be a pet"
1. I'm not her bestfriend and I barely know her
2. why would i wanna be a pet?
3. Are you really sure your trying to be mean cause your just making me laugh my head off with calling me a "poo face"

Well if you guys thought this was just a tad weird or funny comment bellow, By the way I give this person credit for who ever this account was made by cause you really cheered my day up, lol ty ♥

Check out my new arty, love, share and comment
hope you will enjoy my new horror series, and my first horror ☺

Hey, well today my friend suggested I should take some pictures with friends on the blog and then share them with you guys, you may add her if you want her names: roxy77537 she is apsoultly lovely and i'm glad i get to speak 2 her. Anyways the pictures take a look and hope to see your in it or will be in it at some point ♥
umm mind the statuses lol, well I enjoyed taking these, so thx again for joining me in my room, so many of you came, and that made me smile alot, I love you guys alot ♥ thanks

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Esmay/ Nurse 2 Rescue 

Hi I'm nurse 2 Rescue, mostly know as Esmay. I'm also from ♥UK MSP♥
I created this blog only for fun and stuff, and to basically connect with you guys,
maybe this is a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know but this is so much easier way to connect with you guys on here, as lag and stuff, so let me introduce you to me. As you may know little about me but not fully!
My names Esmay, I have a story behind me but that's for another time, my favorite colors are White, Pink, Blue, Black and Red. I only play IMVU and MSP! If your wondering what my IMVU name is its xXEsmayLeeXx so add me, i'll only accept and not decline as friends cause that's all i ever want to have and happiness! I wouldn't call myself a fame seeker or an attention seeker, im more of that person who's chill and u can userally talk to me about anything and i wouldn't gossip about it or talk behind your back as that's not me, I'm one of those who cares, loyal and loving to all my friends and fans, but to be honest don't be a fan be a friend, even if your not on my friends list don't mean where not friends, just minimize me and chat to me I really don't mind cause i won't block unless your really mean that's another story. I will fight for my rights and ill fight for making me happy and have no hates that's just me, I don't know about u but that's what i fight for in life, is to make me and my friends happy, I will always fight for friends as its kind of my duty, I can be mean and horrible at times, but that's only because i get mood swings so don't hate me for it. I also love everyone one of my friends and fans. And I really don't care if people are level 0 (or a low level) or non VIP as I still wanna be friends with you, as we have all been in the same position as you. I sometimes don't always reply on msp as I'm userally on imvu, talking to you guys on it. I wanna make you guys smile, be happy, glad with your personal decisions and be who you are. I may make an msp Twitter only for the few that have it and wanna check it out and stuff, so u can private msg me on it or make an instagram as most of you have it, I'm not saying all as it may not be all of you who have it. Well i'v written enough for now I think but I'll put more soon thanks for visiting my blog! And hope to be hearing from you guys again.